寫完好事, 便寫壞事。這次旅程, 發生了一些令我很生氣的事。
從香港回去芝加哥那程機延遲了, 原因是要等候從其他地方來香港轉機的乘客, 結果飛機遲了半個小時才起飛。我在芝加哥原本有兩個小時的轉機時間, 如果我步伐快, 時間剛剛好, 但是遲了起飛, 只能寄望機師加快飛行速度。可惜, 抵達芝加哥的時候, 離下一班機的起飛時間不足一個半小時, 下機之後急步跑去移民局清關, 然後等候領取行李。之前在香港機場check-in時, 地勤職員在我的行李扣上"Priority"牌, 她說這是對「地位較高」的乘客的優待, 搬行李的工人會先拿出這些行李, 令乘客可以較早取回行李。我耐心地等, 但一直沒有見到自己的行李, 地勤職員沒有騙我, 起初出來的行李確是有"Priority"牌, 行李陸陸續續出來, 就連沒有"Priority"牌也差不多全都出來了, 但是我還未取回行李。我開始焦急起來, 因為只剩下半個小時左右, 同時也有數位商務艙乘客跟我一樣還未領回行李。等到最後一刻, 忽然有幾件扣着"Priority"牌的行李出來, 其中兩件是屬於我, 看看手錶, 尚餘ニ十五分鐘, 再沒有時間猶疑, 急忙取了行李跑到收集轉機行李的角落。
ORD是一個「大站」, 每天有無數旅客在這機場轉機, 也有極多航班出入, 可想而知這角落要收集大量行李, 所以我一向都覺得它的凌亂程度絕不遜於亂葬崗。找到負責搬行李的職員, 簡短告訴他我的情形, 着他迅速把行李送上行李輸送帶, 他看着航班時間表, 對我說:「你趕不及這班機, 不如乘搭下一班飛機, 你問問地勤職員怎麼辦。」問地勤職員, 他的答案是全日的由ORD往KCI航班都滿座, 即使是翌日的航班, 只剩下晚上八時那一班有空位, 如果我不介意行李延遲, 可以盡量趕這班機。呆了一呆, 我立即丟下行李給那位負責搬行李的職員拚命地走, 臨走時他拋下了一句"Good Luck"。閘口跟這角落相隔兩個terminal, 乘搭那些火車也要數分鐘的時間, 到了那個terminal, 下車後又在跑, 相信沿途有不少人被我撞倒, 但我實在無時間停下來道歉, 匆忙過完security check後只有+分鐘。那一刻心情很焦急, 但我深信自己可以趕得及, 千辛萬苦在起飛時間前五分鐘趕到閘口。
跑得上氣不接下氣, 心裡暗自慶幸自己趕得到, 向閘口職員遞上boarding pass。怎料, 接着的是更差的事。閘口的門已關上了, 那職員看到我的boarding pass, 冷冷地說:「飛機走了。」我立刻問:「什麼?不是2:55嗎? 現在只是2:50。」他答道:「閘口會在起飛時間前十分鐘關上, 你應該早一點來到。」聽到「你應該早一點來到」這話, 加上他那種「Who cares?」的態度, 真是很生氣, 這時有其他人趕到, 原來他們也是從香港出發, 在ORD轉機往KCI, 計算我在內一共有八位乘客, 那職員只能打發我們去服務櫃台。這兩家人都心倩很差, 我也不例外, 說話語氣也不禁變差, 板着臉問一位地勤職員怎麼辦, 他說唯一可以做的就是把我名字放在stand-by list, 有空位便讓我上機。我反問:「那就是說下一班沒有位, 我便要一直在等?」他回答:「假如今天的全部航班都沒有空位讓你上機, 航空公司會提供洒店。」我不禁在笑:「我明天一早要上學, 那我只能等stand-by。」那刻心裡有多罵人的說話, 但我在機場跑完一趟後已經無力氣跟他爭論, 呼吸還未回復正常。不過離開服務櫃台時, 心情真是糟透, 我實在不願意要等到翌日才可以回KCI, 同時也對航空公司+分失望, 需要準時的時候又延遲, 現在只需等候數分鐘卻在「扮準時」, 真可笑, 而且有八名乘客, 當中有名幾個月的嬰兒, 更何沉我們根本沒有遲到, 只是飛機提早離開, 連累我們白跑一趟。
我相信航空公司內部可以查到所有乘客的行程, 他們也可以找出哪一航班延遲, 從這件事不難看得出航空公司內部溝通嚴重不足, 大家都在同一個機埸工作, 雖然是不同terminal, 但是以現今的科技, 內部之間要傳遞一個簡短的訊息並不困難。拖着沉重的步伐到下一班機的閘口, 致電回家訴苦, 說着說着, 忍不住哭起來, 活了+七年, 那是我第一次因為極度憤怒而哭, 母親還以為我是害怕得哭起來, 但我絕不是害怕, 因為我知道自己一定可以回到KCI, 只是什麼時候可以回去是未知數, 她着我再去問有沒有其他更快的方法, 例如先到其他地方然後才轉機到KCI。又到另一個服務櫃台問, 地勤職員告訴我可以先去Charlotte才去KCI, 不過全部航班都滿座了, 她也告訴我航空公司把我的名字放在stand-by list的最前幾位, 很大機會能夠上到下一班飛機。沒有其他辨法, 只好在閘口乖乖地等, 我不敢到處逛, 因為stand-by是先到先得, 職員喊名字兩次沒有人應的話, 便會把座位給予名單上下一位乘客。沒多久, stand-by list有了, 一共有三十二名乘客, 但只有七個空位, 我的名字放在第二, 可以上到下一班飛機, 心情總算好轉, 最後比原本計劃遲了兩個小時回到KCI, 但總好過滯留ORD。
這是我人生第一次趕不到飛機。也就是因為趕不到原本的航班, 我錯過了一埸visiting artist recital, 真可惜。
回程時經歷了許多我人生中的第一次, 有好事, 也有壞事。先在這裡寫好事。
香港沒有直機去KS, 我必須在Chicago O'Hare轉機, 然後乘內陸機到KCI。在香港Check-in的時候, 航空公司職員問我有沒有興趣在從香港到芝加哥那程機轉坐business class, 惠$5940。由於我的機票是用飛行里數換回來的, 所以upgrade到business class也沒有飛行里數可以加, 起初我和母親都覺得不划算, 倒不如省回$5940, 但是父親卻提出upgrade, 原因是我回到美國翌日早上便要上課, 他希望我能夠在機上有充足的休息, 而且飛行時候接近十五小時, business class的坐位和食物都比較好, 所以$5940也是一個合理的價錢。就是這樣, 我被upgrade到business class, 而座位位於飛機上層。航空公司在機場有一個lounge, 用來招待business class和first class的旅客。人生第一次乘business club, 當然把握機會到那個lounge參觀一下, 有很多食物可選擇, 地方很寬敞, 環境不錯。
Business class的確是比economy class舒適很多, 座位+分寬闊, 椅背的角度可以調校至接近180度, 也有腳凳, 而且每一個座位都有一個小型電視螢幕, 食物也較為好吃。這程長途機, 我平常多睡了。也許是因為從小到大都是來economy class, 這次乘business class不太習慣, 畢竟身份不同, 總覺得跟那些衣着光鮮的商界人士坐在一起有點奇怪, 就把這次長途機當作是一次人生經驗。







Business Class:



香港沒有直機去KS, 我必須在Chicago O'Hare轉機, 然後乘內陸機到KCI。在香港Check-in的時候, 航空公司職員問我有沒有興趣在從香港到芝加哥那程機轉坐business class, 惠$5940。由於我的機票是用飛行里數換回來的, 所以upgrade到business class也沒有飛行里數可以加, 起初我和母親都覺得不划算, 倒不如省回$5940, 但是父親卻提出upgrade, 原因是我回到美國翌日早上便要上課, 他希望我能夠在機上有充足的休息, 而且飛行時候接近十五小時, business class的坐位和食物都比較好, 所以$5940也是一個合理的價錢。就是這樣, 我被upgrade到business class, 而座位位於飛機上層。航空公司在機場有一個lounge, 用來招待business class和first class的旅客。人生第一次乘business club, 當然把握機會到那個lounge參觀一下, 有很多食物可選擇, 地方很寬敞, 環境不錯。
Business class的確是比economy class舒適很多, 座位+分寬闊, 椅背的角度可以調校至接近180度, 也有腳凳, 而且每一個座位都有一個小型電視螢幕, 食物也較為好吃。這程長途機, 我平常多睡了。也許是因為從小到大都是來economy class, 這次乘business class不太習慣, 畢竟身份不同, 總覺得跟那些衣着光鮮的商界人士坐在一起有點奇怪, 就把這次長途機當作是一次人生經驗。
Business Class:
只是去了美國兩個半月, 短時間內中文退步不少, 有時候跟香港的朋友在MSN聊天感到有點無奈, 因為有些英文生字不懂, 想用中文表達, 提着手寫板的筆, 卻又發現自己忘記那些中文字怎樣寫, 只好把不同的部首胡亂拼拼湊湊, 然後選一個比較像樣的字。
放假比上學更忙碌, 每天都外出跟親朋戚友吃飯, 累死了。前天更回到舊校幫朋友伴奏, 晚上又出席另一位朋友的生日派對, 行程編排得密麻麻。再過兩天又要返回美國, 有少許捨不得離開香港, 始終這是我的家, 我在這裡找到一份親切感, 但是我還是比較喜歡在美國讀書, 也許是因為我的大學位於中部的一個小鎮, 環境較為優美和寧靜, 對練琴和讀書有很大幫助, 而且小鎮的空氣清新, 令人感到精神抖擻。
放假比上學更忙碌, 每天都外出跟親朋戚友吃飯, 累死了。前天更回到舊校幫朋友伴奏, 晚上又出席另一位朋友的生日派對, 行程編排得密麻麻。再過兩天又要返回美國, 有少許捨不得離開香港, 始終這是我的家, 我在這裡找到一份親切感, 但是我還是比較喜歡在美國讀書, 也許是因為我的大學位於中部的一個小鎮, 環境較為優美和寧靜, 對練琴和讀書有很大幫助, 而且小鎮的空氣清新, 令人感到精神抖擻。
Home Sweet Home
I feel really happy to be at home, a very familiar and comfortable place. To my surprise, I don't have much homework to do. Spring break is the time for me to take a good sleep since I have been struggling with assignments and papers for the past few days.
Going to enjoy my holiday in HK.
Going to enjoy my holiday in HK.
Scholarship audition
(3) Last saturday morning, I went to Missouri to attend a scholarship audition. It was an open competition for performance majors under the age of 25; organized by an international music fraternity.
Contestants had to play two contrasting pieces and my reportoire included J.S.Bach Prelude & Fugue in D major, WTC I and Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No.6. Since there were many students joining the audition, the organization required each of us to play for 8 minutes only. It was not tough but challenging. The duration was really short. In other words, you had to make good use of that 8 minutes to show your ability to the judges. There was no time to warm-up. I was satisfied with my own performance and this had never happened before. At last, I didn't get the scholarship. However, I am looking forward to receiving the comment sheets.
The audition was held in a college. The campus was quite beautiful.




Contestants had to play two contrasting pieces and my reportoire included J.S.Bach Prelude & Fugue in D major, WTC I and Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No.6. Since there were many students joining the audition, the organization required each of us to play for 8 minutes only. It was not tough but challenging. The duration was really short. In other words, you had to make good use of that 8 minutes to show your ability to the judges. There was no time to warm-up. I was satisfied with my own performance and this had never happened before. At last, I didn't get the scholarship. However, I am looking forward to receiving the comment sheets.
The audition was held in a college. The campus was quite beautiful.
A war
(2) Finally a war started between me and my roomate. This war broke out on thursday night. Her boyfriend came to visit her. Same as usual, they made lots of noises and it was so annoying. Later, that guy took a nap and soon he began to snore. It was after 11pm already and he didn't have the intention to leave at all. I kept on waiting for the guy to leave and my limit was 12am. This caused me lots of inconvenience because I couldn't take a shower until he had left.
Then at 11:30pm, I asked my roomate, "When will your friend leave? He isn't going to stay overnight, is he?" She answered me coldly, "I don't know. Probably not so soon." It was actually a very dumb question because I was sure that he wouldn't leave. My purpose was to hint to her that I didn't want that guy to stay overnight as I had talked to her about that before. 15 minutes later, I asked my roomate again, "Is that possible to ask you friend to leave by 12am? I would feel uncomfortable if he stays overnight again." This time, her attitude was even worse. She replied, "Well, there's no point that I need to ask him to leave. Non-residents are allowed to stay overnight. If you feel uncomfortable, you shouldn't have signed the lease and moved into here." I frowned and then smiled secretly because she confronted me with the lease. Yet, she didn't read the lease carefully enough. I took a breath and said, "You are right. But there is another rule saying that this is not allowed if it causes me inconvenience and disturbance. I don't have the lease right now. We can go downstairs to the frontdesk to seek for advice." My roomate chose to turn a deaf ear to what I said and she didn't even turn around to look at me. She switched off the television and went to sleep with the guy. Going downstairs to the frontdesk was my last resort. Her irrespectfulness really got on my last nerve. I went to the frontdesk at once.
The RAs followed me back to my room. One of them woke my roomate up and talked to her. At first, my roomate was very conceited and laughed coldly when the RA told her that her boyfriend had to leave. She re-used the rule of "Non-residents are allowed to stay overnight." The RA then further explained the rule that I followed to her. Within a few seconds, her triumphant smile faded and she was speechless except for waking her boyfriend up. After the group of people had left, she stared at me furiously. Undoubtedly, I must move out as soon as possible. I had no idea whether this girl would do something to take revenge on me.
Next morning, I requested for moving to another room. Luckily, there was an empty room available. This rarely happened but the two girls living in this room had moved out. With no hesitancy, I packed all my things and moved out. Now, I have a very spacious double room with two beds, two desks and two wardrobes. There is no roomate. No more TV noises, kissing sounds or loud music inside my room. I can play all kinds of music at any time I want.
Then at 11:30pm, I asked my roomate, "When will your friend leave? He isn't going to stay overnight, is he?" She answered me coldly, "I don't know. Probably not so soon." It was actually a very dumb question because I was sure that he wouldn't leave. My purpose was to hint to her that I didn't want that guy to stay overnight as I had talked to her about that before. 15 minutes later, I asked my roomate again, "Is that possible to ask you friend to leave by 12am? I would feel uncomfortable if he stays overnight again." This time, her attitude was even worse. She replied, "Well, there's no point that I need to ask him to leave. Non-residents are allowed to stay overnight. If you feel uncomfortable, you shouldn't have signed the lease and moved into here." I frowned and then smiled secretly because she confronted me with the lease. Yet, she didn't read the lease carefully enough. I took a breath and said, "You are right. But there is another rule saying that this is not allowed if it causes me inconvenience and disturbance. I don't have the lease right now. We can go downstairs to the frontdesk to seek for advice." My roomate chose to turn a deaf ear to what I said and she didn't even turn around to look at me. She switched off the television and went to sleep with the guy. Going downstairs to the frontdesk was my last resort. Her irrespectfulness really got on my last nerve. I went to the frontdesk at once.
The RAs followed me back to my room. One of them woke my roomate up and talked to her. At first, my roomate was very conceited and laughed coldly when the RA told her that her boyfriend had to leave. She re-used the rule of "Non-residents are allowed to stay overnight." The RA then further explained the rule that I followed to her. Within a few seconds, her triumphant smile faded and she was speechless except for waking her boyfriend up. After the group of people had left, she stared at me furiously. Undoubtedly, I must move out as soon as possible. I had no idea whether this girl would do something to take revenge on me.
Next morning, I requested for moving to another room. Luckily, there was an empty room available. This rarely happened but the two girls living in this room had moved out. With no hesitancy, I packed all my things and moved out. Now, I have a very spacious double room with two beds, two desks and two wardrobes. There is no roomate. No more TV noises, kissing sounds or loud music inside my room. I can play all kinds of music at any time I want.
First concert in college
A few memorable and unforgettable things happened last week. Unfortunately, I had no time to write about them as I had to work on a paper.
(1) My first concert in this college. Being a music student, I have to join an ensemble (choir or orchestra) for credits and I play violin in the orchestra. There was a concert last Tuesday and the programme included Wagner Prelude to Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg , Weber Bassoon Concerto and Mussorgsky/Ravel Pictures at an Exhibition.
The concert was quite successful because everyone worked really hard. The soloist for the Weber was a graduate student and she played really well. I rarely listen to bassoon music and after this concert, I find that the sound of bassoon is very lovely. It is quite mild and the pitch is neither too high nor too low.
My favourite work is definitely Pictures. Originally, it was a piano solo work composed by Mussorgsky and then Ravel arranged it for orchestra. The orchestration was impressive but quite tough for woodwind and brass players. There are a few spots featuring solos of brass instruments such as the trumpet solo in the promenade I, tuba solo in the Oxen etc. There is also an important spot for saxophone solo in. Pictures is a really difficult piece. Not only each part is not easy at all, it is so hard to make every part sound together. For strings, there are two fast movements that require shifting between pizzicato and arco consecutively. The ending was breathtaking. It was full of power and passion. I can still clearly remember how the very last chord echoed in the hall and then the applause joined it.
The orchestra will have concert again in late April. The reportoire will include Berlioz Roman Carnaval Overture, Mendelssohn Violin Concerto and Tchaikovsky Symphony No.5. Such an exciting programme and I am looking forward to it.
(1) My first concert in this college. Being a music student, I have to join an ensemble (choir or orchestra) for credits and I play violin in the orchestra. There was a concert last Tuesday and the programme included Wagner Prelude to Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg , Weber Bassoon Concerto and Mussorgsky/Ravel Pictures at an Exhibition.
The concert was quite successful because everyone worked really hard. The soloist for the Weber was a graduate student and she played really well. I rarely listen to bassoon music and after this concert, I find that the sound of bassoon is very lovely. It is quite mild and the pitch is neither too high nor too low.
My favourite work is definitely Pictures. Originally, it was a piano solo work composed by Mussorgsky and then Ravel arranged it for orchestra. The orchestration was impressive but quite tough for woodwind and brass players. There are a few spots featuring solos of brass instruments such as the trumpet solo in the promenade I, tuba solo in the Oxen etc. There is also an important spot for saxophone solo in. Pictures is a really difficult piece. Not only each part is not easy at all, it is so hard to make every part sound together. For strings, there are two fast movements that require shifting between pizzicato and arco consecutively. The ending was breathtaking. It was full of power and passion. I can still clearly remember how the very last chord echoed in the hall and then the applause joined it.
The orchestra will have concert again in late April. The reportoire will include Berlioz Roman Carnaval Overture, Mendelssohn Violin Concerto and Tchaikovsky Symphony No.5. Such an exciting programme and I am looking forward to it.
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