
2 years

I started this blog in December 2006. It has been more than 2 years already.

I want to move to another place.



December indicates that the fall semester is going to end very soon. Of course, very busy in finishing schoolworks and preparing for the finals.

Going back to HK on 20th December. I'm so excited to go home since I miss the food a lot.:) Going to stay in HK for 3 weeks.


Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to myself! I am now an adult. Next month when I go back to HK, I will get a new I.D. (I must make sure that I won't take an ugly picture...)

P.S. Thank you very much for celebrating with me and the gift.:)



在Concerto Competition的前兩天, 我選擇了放棄這比賽, 因為我的樂曲還未準備好, 沒有把握去參賽。兩星期之前為準備另一個比賽, 沒有花很多時間在Rach Pag, 實則上我只有少於兩星期的時間去練好這樂曲, 很勉強地把整首樂曲背過來, 但是經常有memory slips, 表現很怯。老師認為參賽不是一件好事, 因為一般人在台上都會緊張, memory slips的情況必然會更嚴重, 彈得差, 自己覺得不開心, 評判也不好受, 最惨的是被評判記着。老師讓我自己作決定, 起初聽了老師的意見感到很失望, 但考慮了一段時間, 我覺得與其要在別人面前丟臉, 倒不如及早放棄, 我不想自己心裏留下陰影。另外, 不能參加這次比賽, 日後還有很多機會, 用心把Rach Pag練好, 作為下次比賽的參賽曲目。

從小到大未試過在比賽前放棄, 今次作出這決定需要很大勇氣, 傳了電郵給學校樂團的指揮, 之後倒是鬆一口氣, 過去兩星期一直都覺得好大壓力, 很努力練琴, 但心裏清楚知道自己未達到能夠參賽的水平, 現在沒有去參賽, 心情輕鬆了很多。其實, 棄權並沒有我想像中這般差, 每一個修讀演奏的人都很明白這感覺, 當你未準備好便要上台表演, 心裏承受着很大壓力, 雖然可能只需要彈十分鐘, 但那絕對會是一件很痛苦的事, 加上觀眾的注意力全都放在你一個人身上, 表現不好的心裏真是很難受。



星期日參加KMTA State Honors Audition, 得了Collegiate Freshman/Sophomore Piano第三名, 有一面銅牌, 第一次拿獎牌, 很開心。:P 過了KMTA要專心練Rachmaninoff Paganini Rhapsody, Rach Pag一直都學得很慢, 所以我決定報名參加學校的Concerto Competition來逼自己趕快把它練好, 比賽將會在下星期六舉行, 時間不多, 我必須「趕工」, 雖然比賽沒有要求背譜, 但是我一向覺得翻譜會分心, 所以我會盡量把整首樂曲背過來, 可惜Rachmaninoff的作品真是很難背...

另外, 這星期六會幫兩位師兄伴奏Rachmaninoff 2nd Piano Concerto 1st mvt., 要四個小時的車程才去到比賽地點。一向很喜歡Rach 2, 練Piano II的部分時哼着solo的旋律, 真是很想學這首Concerto, 將來一定要學Rach 2。

每次有比賽, 我都是非常不願意去上課, 只想專心留在department裡練琴。即使去了上課, 我腦海裡都是想着樂曲, 導師的講解我一句都聽不入耳。不過為了出席率, 還是要乖乖去上課=.=


今早在學校吃早餐時, 見到有位韓國朋友在吃自備的「即食粥」, 她告訴我「粥」的韓文跟廣東話的讀音很相似。我沒有問她韓式的粥有什麼材料, 不過看着那碗粥, 我便很懷念我最愛吃的鹹瘦肉粥。這是我從小到大在粥鋪唯一會點的粥, 十七年多(快要十八年...)從沒有改變過, 間中會要皮蛋, 但一般情況下我都是要鹹瘦肉粥。去粥鋪我從來不會看餐牌, 因為我多年來都是獨沽一味, 根本從來沒有想過要點其他款式。



時間過得很快, 這個學期原來已經過了一半。這個學期一點都不好玩, 原因是我讀太多學分, 我讀18個學分(最高限制是20), 很辛苦, 吸取了教訓, 下學期一定要讀少一些學分, 而且我打消了「三年半畢業」這念頭, 倒是計劃副修其他科目, 又或者讓老師幫我安排去德國一個學期當交換生, 前後一共讀四年半, 這樣我便可以在五月畢業, 對申請碩士課程較為方便。

之前fall break的時候生病, 四天的假期我都留在房裏休息, 我覺得自己白白浪費了一個假期, 所以很期待下個月的thanksgiving week, 我的生日是thanksgiving前兩天, 而媽媽會來Kansas跟我慶祝生日, 雖然不能在正日慶祝生日, 但是可以去Kansas City跟媽媽見面和去逛一逛, 我已經很滿足。媽媽着我有空的時候便想一下有什麼禮物想要, 還有想吃的食物。:D



The four-days fall break is over. I didn't feel like I had a fall break because I started to get sick at the night before the first day of holiday. I had severe headache, muscle ache through my whole body, and also fever. The pain stopped for a while occasionally, but most of the time I was suffering from the pain. I slept for almost two full days and then I felt a bit better on Saturday morning. However, in the afternoon I started to feel the pain again and my boyfriend drove me to the hospital.

I gave the nurse in the registration a hard time. As I was below 18 and I didn't have a parent or guardian in the USA, the registration procedure was slightly complicated. The nurse had to make calls to ask the administrative staff how to deal with my case. Later, they understood that I am an international student, so they just left the blank "Patient Parent/Guardian Signature" empty. They first checked my pulse, temperature etc. The reading of my pulse was 135 and the nurse was shocked. He checked it again and it was 137. I actually didn't realise that a 135 pulse was very high until I saw the light flashing on the screen of the machine. I was then sent to see a nurse practitioner. As they were worried that I had a flu, they drew my blood and some other my excretions to send to the lab. Thank god that the blood test was very successful this time. As Americans worked very slowly, it took more than 1 hour for the lab results to come out.

I called home while waiting. When I heard my mom's voice, I started crying like a little kid because I missed home a lot at that moment. My mom thought that I was scared but I explained that I just missed her a lot when I was sick. Mom replied, "Of course you miss home. You have been away from home for 2 months already. And you used to eat my food when you were sick. Now I'm not beside you to cook for you." I got homesick when I was sick...

At last, the lab result came out. The doctor said that I didn't have a flu, only viral infection. He then asked me if I have had any blood problems before as the blood test showed that both the white blood cells and blood platelets in my blood were low. It was unusual and he guessed that it was probably because of the virus.
As there were no medicines for viral infection, I could only take Tylenol and Advil for aches and temperature. I was asked to take quite a lot of pills - 2 tablets of Tylenol every 6 hours and 3 tablets of Advil every 6 hours. Since it's not very good to take 2 kinds of medicines at the same time, I took Tylenol and Advil alternately. That means first Tylenol, Advil 3 hours later, then Tylenol 3 hours later, so on so forth. As I had to maintain a regular intake of medicines, I had to wake up at the midnight to take the pills. I didn't get a very good sleep since I had to wake up every 3 hours.

I need to re-take blood test on Monday and no school on Monday and Tuesday.



在不少人眼中, 讀音樂的人都是「怪人」, 我也是其中之一, 我對"anti-social"、"socially awkward"這類字詞的感覺已經麻木了, 也不介意別人在背後這樣形容我。

我不會否認自己的社交生活少, 一來沒有這麼多時間, 二來我跟大部分香港學生話題不多, 也不太跟他們一起外出, 而美國朋友週末也不會有很多節目, 一般都是去教會和休息, 生活較為簡單。如果真是對音樂有熱誠, 修讀演奏的人的生活其實都是「無休」, 當然每個人花在練琴的時間都不同, 但我覺得練琴是每天都應該做的事, 練多少是另一回事, 但最少也要用少許時間去彈琴, 保持手部肌肉的狀態, 我間中會「偷懶」一天, 不過之後心裏總會有一份罪惡感, 而且雙手感覺好奇怪, 會感到自己有個動作沒有做, 那就是彈琴的動作, 我試過在乘飛機時在桌上或自己的腿上練習, 但感覺非常不舒服, 所以一定要在鋼琴上練習才有效。練琴是沒有練完的一刻, 現在你也許會認為自己的彈奏很完美, 但下一刻再彈同一首樂曲的時候, 你應該會找到可以繼續進步的地方。有時候朋友約我外出而我又拒絕, 他們會問:「練少一日唔駛死掛?」, 我只能無奈地微笑。

我不太擅於社交, 犬其是在一大群我不認識而又不懂音樂的人當中, 我會感到沒有什麼話可以講, 自然地我會當旁聽者, 我曾經逼自己嘗試講話, 不過聽到自己在胡扯一番, 我便覺得自己像個笨蛋, 倒不如保持沉默, 現在我會盡量找相熟的朋友一起去, 什至避免出席這類場合。我其實是可以很健談, 不過一般只有讀音樂的人才會認識到。


Lalo Symphonie Espagnole

Addicted to Lalo Symphonie Espagnole recently, especially the 1st mvt. I don't have the recording but it's not difficult to find videos on Youtube. Here is a video of the 1st mvt which I really like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjuS4TJZ3ww

The soloist and I study at the same university. She is one of the best violinists at school. I will probably do some chamber music with her this semester. I am sure that I will learn a lot through working with her. Looking forward to it!