
New start

I haven't updated my blog for a few weeks. The reason was that I had been concentrated on the preparation for a concert. Indeed I just performed one movement of Grieg Piano Concerto. Honestly it is not a very difficult concerto, comparing to Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Liszt etc. However, I still had to spend lots of time to practise because it is a very famous concerto and I had a feeling that I must try to do as much as I can. There is no such thing called "perfect music". You can think of something to improve each time you practise. Since I am a perfectionist, I never feel satisfied of my playing. As a result, I had spent most of my time on this piece for the past few weeks. I thought about this piece in my mind all the time even when I was on the MTR or having meals.

Finally it came to the concert. It was my first time that I didn't feel nervous at all before performing. I used to shiver when I was waiting to play. However, I was just so calm yesterday. When it was my turn, I just walked out to the stage and took a bow. At that moment, I realised that I actually love performing on stage very much. I was so happy when I saw the audience clapping their hands. I messed up lots of notes actually but there was something which I did better than before. That was I was very confident even when I heard my wrong notes. And also, I think I was able to convey my feelings to the audience. I always failed to do that because when I was young, my attitude towards playing piano on stage was like a student finishing homework. However, last night it was entirely different. I could feel that I was enjoying the performance and I didn't want to leave the stage. I remember my teacher told me, "A good performance does not mean playing all the notes correctly. But it means whether you can play it by your heart and allow the audience to understand your emotions and feelings. Music is a language and it has the power to let people understand you. Wrong notes do not mean anything. Just forget about the notes when going up to the stage." I think I could do it last night finally. To me, this improvement symbolizes a new start in my piano playing.

My Chinese has been deteriorated rapidly after CE. I will begin to write in English in the future. Also, my secondary school life is over. I am going to take MTD programme in BU these coming few months before I go to college in the USA. I think these two changes represent two brand new starts of my blog and school life.


Anonymous said...

you removed all your previous postings? pity.

Silence said...

I just hid all the previous postings, but not removed them.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog. May I know if you are a blogger too?

新鮮人 said...

咁我哩啲英文差嘅人就會看到好辛苦囉! :(

Ruth Tam said...

Wish you all the best!

暗黑的卡夫卡 said...

Congrats...I am so happy for you!!!

Its your next stage in life, tTreasure your time in HK for now...=)

BU - HK Baptist University?

Silence said...

Perhaps I may use Chinese sometimes.:) But writing in Chinese really takes me much time because I use writing pad. :(

Thank you very much. Nice to see you again.=]

I will go to the USA in January so I still have about 4 months in HK. I must treasure the time to eat as much Hong Kong food (especially Chinese food) as possible haha. I'm sure that I will miss the food very much. :)

Yes, it's HK Baptist University.

Anonymous said...

我是從inner space那兒連結過來,請恕我的唐突!無論身處何地,努力學習音樂之餘,也請別忘記更新網誌,與我們分享你學習音樂及生活上的點點滴滴啊!

Silence said...

你好, 感謝到訪及留言。用手寫板寫中文很費時, 我猜想你打這篇留言大約用了十分鐘吧。

對樂器一竅不通不要緊, 因為音樂是一種國際語言, 我相信成功的演奏是可以感動每一個人, 不過我很高興知道你也是古典音樂愛好者!

我只學過鋼琴和小提琴, 不過我很喜歡聽大提琴音樂。至於交響曲和弦樂四重奏則比較少聽, 近來努力學聽馬勒。

Anonymous said...


Andy said...

It is not correct that Mahler's symphonies always have a vocal part. Only 2,3,4,8,and Das Lied Von de Erde have choirs/vocals.

So which one do you like most?

Silence said...

Andy mentioned your mistake already so I am not going to repeat it haha.

Actually I only have heard of 4 and 6 only. I will tell you which one I like most when I have finished listening all Mahler Symphonies.

Anonymous said...


Silence said...

I don't know much about Mahler but I think it is Symphony No.8. It will be better to leave this question to Andy.

Anonymous said...


Andy said...

Who is the conductor for Mahler you are listening to?

Yes, Mahler No 8 is the Symphony of a Thousand. But in fact, No.8 is not Mahler's greatest work.

Karelian said...

對自己有要求係好,但要適可而止..否則會弄巧成拙。不要過份給自己太大壓力呢~ Relax~

Karelian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Andy, would you please so kind to tell me which piece of Mahler's work is the greatest?

Andy said...

It is hard to say. I like 2,3,6,9. Used to like 5's slow movement (in fact still do). Personal favourite: 9 and 2.

Anonymous said...

Andy, was the movement Adagietto of Mahler's Symphony No. 5 used as the main theme of score in the movie "Platoon"?

Andy said...

No, it was used in Death in Venice. The one you talked about was Barber's Adagio for Strings.

Silence said...

Abbado for No.4 and Barbirolli for No.6.

Anonymous said...


Andy said...

Mmmm, Barbirolli's 6 is much too slow and it was not his best recordings...

Silence said...

Yes, so I am going to listen to other recordings.

Arael said...

But my guess is that you'll return to Chinese :)

For Chinese input, maybe try using a good mandarin pinyin IME, such as http://tools.google.com/pinyin/ .
You actually don't need to be very good in Mandarin to start using it.
Even with imperfect mandarin, I found it much more convenient than using writing pads (or other input methods).

Silence said...

Haha, this is a good guess. But right now, I already find it a bit difficult to write a smooth sentence in Chinese. I have no idea whether I can write a post in Chinese.